Getting Started as an Avon Representative
Welcome to the MakeUpInBusiness team, we are here to make sure you get your business off to a great start.
If you are not already a representative then please Apply Here.
You will receive a series of How To Guides via email, check your spam box if you haven’t got the first one through or join yourself with this link – (Email if any problems.)
As an AVON Representative you want to make sure as many people as possible see your AVON brochures and visit your online store. To get started simply make a list of all the places you visit; doctors, dentists, cafe’s, shops, schools, after school clubs, hairdressers etc and plan where you can leave your brochures. Text everyone in your phone asking if they would like a brochure and post on your Facebook profile, you can also direct message people on Social Media. Also ask friends and family if they can take a brochure into work for you, this can be a quick way to generate several orders from a single brochure…..pop in half a dozen order forms. Top tips for finding Avon customers.
You can also canvass your local area. How to find customers
You will also have an online store. These are an amazing tool for your business. Choose a unique name for your store. Customers can place orders through the store for direct delivery and have their orders sent direct from Avon to be delivered in 3 to 5 days. You earn commission off any direct orders at the same level as your last campaigns commission level. In your Online Store dashboard you can track your customers, share your Online Store onto social media platforms and even personalise your store with your own reviews and recommendations. If you wish to sell solely online then make sure you change to this setting in your Online Store dashboard. Guide to setting up your store –
A new AVON book comes out every 3 weeks which means that your customers will always have something new and exciting to look forward to. Order any time and as many times as you wish during the three week selling period. All orders over £30 are free delivery.
As an AVON Representative, you will earn up to 25% on your orders and that means if you place an order to AVON for £400 you will receive approximately £100 for that order – and there are 18 pay days per year!
You can earn up to 25%.
Earning Levels –
- £1 + 20% cash discount
- £170 + 25% cash discount
If you are interested in earning more money with Avon then Sales Leadership may be for you, you recruit and train your own team of Avon representatives. For more info click here.
Quick Guide to Running Your Avon Business;
1 – Register with your account number and choose your starter kit at
2 – Open your AVON my online store by going on to my store on your home screen How to set up your online store
3 – Distribute your Avon brochures and promote your Online Store. How to promote your store.
4 – Collect your orders back in.
9 – Collect in your money, pay Avon and pay yourself. You will have an invoice detailing what to pay and how (you get 13 days to pay each invoice).
Make sure you are a member of our MakeUpInBusiness Representative Group on Facebook –
Resources –
Representatives Selling Hints and Tips Email Course –
Representatives Getting Started Online Booklet –
Representatives how to get Avon sales online and offline –
Team newsletter sign up –
Representatives Facebook video training group –
Representative Resources Page, visit our team resources page to find a wealth of information –
Password – TEAMMIB
Avon and Everywoman Workbook guide – official Avon guide to working from home running your own business –…/avon-and-every…
Visit the MakeUpInBusiness Blog for more Representative Hints and Tips –…/representative-hints-…/
FAQ for Representatives –
How to use the Avon Social Media Centre, share professional content created by Avon to your social media accounts –
MakeUpInBusiness Representative Danie Morris – I love Avon. It was a spur of the moment thing last year when I thought ‘I’m going to give Avon a go’. I never expected that I’d be enjoying it as much as I am doing today. Not only has it introduced me to an amazing skin care range which has given me a confidence boost as far as my looks are concerned, it has also helped my social anxiety no end. This time last year, I couldn’t have imagined going to a strangers house and making conversation. But now I look forward to meeting new people, and delivery day is my opportunity to prove to myself that I can be strong. I almost gave up on everything in September when my relationship ended, but, along side my kids, Avon kept me going and gave me something to focus on. I’ve just submitted my best order since Christmas, and again, it’s given me that boost to keep going. So really, I just want to say thank you to Avon for this great opportunity.
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